

Just got back from monday night bowling. I'm learning new stuff every time I bowl. Tonight I was able to work on my consistency and my form (or the lack of). Superman and I bowled eight games tonight and for the first time I didn't bowl under 100 for any of the games =) We were talking about how different each bowling alley is from each other. The slickness of the lane can dramatically change how we bowl =P Anywho, it was a fun night. I also got a chance to meet some of Superman's FBC peeps. They were really nice =)

Tommorow night I'm gonna check out how different the lanes are at Albany. It should be another fun night...can't wait =) Yay for bowling!


Commenting System

Thanks Superman! Awesome job on the blog out...or should I say "Pan-Out"? Hahaha.


Pin Pals

I don't consider myself a bowler by any means. In fact I really didn't think I'd enjoy bowling as much as I am these days =P This past Monday I got the chance to bowl with some peeps once again. I'm pretty excited cuz I finally learned how to bowl with a spin/hook, thanks to pointers by superman, wenge, and razzle =) We went after dinner and bowled til we dropped...well at least til I dropped, hahaha. Now two days later my right forearm is still sore from bowling, but it was worth it =P can't wait till the next time.


Almost got squished on Sunday while driving to church. The "almost" accident occured at the intersection of Powell and Christie in Emeryville. Normally I don't take the Powell exit to go to church, but for some reason after getting off the Bay Bridge I just automatically went towards the Powell exit like I was going to small group or something.

Anywho, I get to the red light at the intersection and took the middle lane. On the right side of me there is a tour bus and on the other side there is a regular bus, both of which is much bigger than my tiny car. In front of me there is another car (don't recall what exactly). So the light turns green and everyone starts moving foward. Then slowly the bus on the right of me starts merging into my lane (I assume the bus couldn't see me cuz he kept on merging). But the car in front of me is blocking me from getting pass the merging bus while he is JUST infront of the bus, thus out of harms way =P and I couldn't move left cuz the regular bus is still there. I essentially have only one option...slow down...but the car behind me kept driving forward too. So I'm blocked in and basically was gonna get sandwiched by the two buses. Finally I honked at the car infront to go faster and SLOOOOWLY he pulled ahead JUST enough for me to ESCAPE the merging buses =P

So what did I learn? Don't day dream while i'm driving (which lead me to get off the wrong exit) and get to church on time (I was late...really late...missed the service.)



I just got back from LA. I saw some snow in the mountains on the way back up here and I gotta say it was really nice to go home for a little bit. I was able to spend some time with my family. I watched Finding Nemo with my mom last night because she hasn't seen it. She said she liked it, but I noticed her falling asleep towards the end...maybe cuz it was late.

On Sunday I went to my sister's church for worship and after service I visited the Sunday school class that she teaches. It was kinda funny watching her lead about forty kids for Sunday school. The kids had to wear name tag and all. It seemed more like a regular class than Sunday school. She even had prizes for kids who shows up and who memorizes Bible verses, hahaha. But I know that she truly has a passion for kids and truly enjoys teaching them =)

I also got to hang out with some friends at Santa Monica pier/beach. It was such a beautiful day...not a cloud in sight. However, the parking structure at the Promenade was pretty confusing for some reason. We had trouble finding our cars for a while =P. Then on Sunday we went to Old Town Pasadena and just walked around. I haven't been there in ages...but things looked pretty much the same. It was kinda surprising that there weren't more people there on a nice sunny Sunday afternoon.

All in all it was a short and unexpected trip, but I had a lot of fun and am really glad I got the chance to go home for a bit. Being at home is sooo nice, don't have to worry about food and stuff...heh heh heh. Yawn....I'm tired now, should go to bed =)